Saudi Arabia has a strong public health program targeting towards provision of primary health care, control of high priority diseases (tuberculosis, immunizable diseases, malaria, diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypertension, obesity etc.) and environmental health. As majority of the graduates of the program are likely to work in one of these programs, getting a firsthand exposure to these programs, will enable to the residents to be more prepared for their future assignments.
- On completion of this unit, the student will be able to comprehend:
- the structure, functions, strengths and weaknesses of public health programs in Saudi Arabia
- current epidemiological concerns of priority public health diseases and other issues
Programs to be covered:
Major public health programs of Saudi Arabia including
- Malaria Control Program
- Tuberculosis control Program
- Leishsmaniasis, HIV,
- Smoking Control?
- Environmental Protection
- Reproductive Health
- Immunization
- Child Health
- Diabetes control
- Premarital screening
- Cardiovascular disease control
- Neonatal screening
- Health education and information
Teaching Strategy:
- The training program will consist of visits to local, regional and central offices of the concerned health programs and brief attachments to one of them for each resident.
- The training will be shared with managers and planners of these health programs at various levels, to acquaint the residents with the current status of these programs in the country.
Course Assessment:
This program contribute 100 marks to the final evaluation, and will be based on attendance and active participation during the visit, and will be evaluated by coordinator of this unit.