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508-12 FETP: Seminars in Epidemiology

Epidemiology is an ever-changing science, with a large amount of information generated continuously due to changes in epidemiology of diseases or epidemiological methods. This course will enable the resident to keep updated with the current issues in Epidemiology, while providing them an opportunity to develop skills in searching, organizing and presenting information of epidemiological interest to the peers.


The activity will enable the resident to

  • keep updated with the current topics in Epidemiology
  • to provide them an opportunity to develop the skills in the art of presentation


  • Residents will be assigned on rotational basis to identify an issue of current epidemiological importance, conduct a literature search on the issue and present it to the peers in FETP
  • Residents will also be provided opportunity to present their study proposals, reports of surveillance and epidemiological practice assignments to improve their skills in presentation, while obtaining critical comments from the audience to improve the technical quality of their work
  • Residents will be encouraged to attend the seminars and conferences locally and internationally to update their knowledge on current issues in epidemiology.
  • Seminars will also be arranged based on the webcasts and other online lectures made available online by reputed academicians and international organizations.


This study unit will contribute 400 marks to the final evaluation of the course, which will be awarded based upon the evaluation of teaching staff attending the presentations.