Scabies is a dermatological parasitic disease. It is a common skin infection since it affects more than 130 million worldwide ant any time. During the period from the 27th of January till the 16th of February 2016 Al-Mostanqaa primary healthcare center (PHC), located about 80 km to the east of Al-Lith and serves 13 villages with a population of 1337, reported 9 cases of scabies in two schools.
A team from FETP was dispatched to Al-Lith for investigation. Cases were confirmed by the local hospital. All 9 cases were restricted in two families. A cross-sectional study was suggested in the male primary and secondary school to investigate the determinants of the scabies. Questionnaire was created and data collection was initiated. The sample was 95 students
95 student were involved in the study. All were Saudis with mean age of 11.6 years (± 2.96, range 6-17years) and mostly (68%) living in a family of a number between 6 to 10 individuals. 30% were related to the affected families. About 21 student (22%) suffered from itching. 13 of them had more itching at night. 18.5% reported groin, elbow and body webbings as the most affected areas. Out of the 95 students, 2 new cases were detected by examination. Those 2 were related to that affected family. A member of this family was admitted in Makkah for psychiatric illness and had history of itching when he visited his family in Al-Mostanqaa. Another index case were also identified who has been prisoned in Makkah and had history of itching. More cases were detected in the area within the next two weeks of investigation. Most of them had relation to Makkah's prison.
New Scabies cases were still detected in Al-Mostanqaa schools (Detected by the FETP team). The infections are mainly found within households and most probably not transmitted within the school community. Two cases were potential sources for the outbreak, one prisoner from Makkah prison and one psychiatric patient from Makkah Psychiatry hospital. and finally the outbreak is not confined to Al-Mostanqaa healthcare sector coverage area.