A large number of Hajjis live in the streets of Mina, other than regular camps, and were given the name "Muftaresheen".
A cross sectional study with geographical quota sampling technique was conducted using a structured interview schedule. Data was collected by trained interviewers on 8th, 10, 11 and 12th of Dhul Hajja 1425.
Information about individual hajjis: 527 hajjis were interviewed; among them 91.5% were domestic hajjis and 62% were nationals of Arab countries. 16.1% hajjis had hajj permission and 4% paid for residence in Mina. Meningitis vaccine was received by 47.6%. Almost 75.5% attributed this behavior to expensive Hamlas or residence in Mina. Restaurants were the main source of food for 57.3%; public toilets were used by 96.2%. Almost 86.5% got a chance to sleep in their places. Of the total, 12.3% fell sick. 76.3% hajjis were satisfied with performing hajj as Muftaresheen. Among hajjis who planned to perform hajj next season, 53.3% decided to be Muftaresh again.
General characteristics of group hajjis: Through interviewing 527 hajjis, information was collected for 1824 hajjis who came with the respondents. Out of them 11% females, 2.2% children, 4.6% hajjis aged more than 60 years and 84.6% domestic hajjis. 26.6% got hajj permission, while 51.7% got meningitis vaccine and 5.4% fallen sick during their stay in Mina as Muftaresheen.
The living of hajjis in the street creates a number of administrative and health problems and requires a major educational program, residence construction and administrative discipline.