Volume 30 Issue 3-4 July 2023 Lipid Control Rate, Pattern and its Associated Factors Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Muscat: A Cross-Sectional Study/2022 Issue 1-2 January 2023 Prevalence of substance use disorder among psychiatric patients at Eradah Complex and Mental Health-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Distribution of Hospital Beds across Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2019: A cross-sectional study Sero-prevalence of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Muttrah Wilayat of Muscat Governorate, Oman, 2020. Imported Measles Outbreak at Al-Buraimi Governorate, Oman, April 2020. Volume 29 Issue 3-4 July 2022 Prevalence and Associated Factors of Diabetes Mellitus among Tuberculosis Patients in Muscat Governorate, Oman, 2017-2020 Foodborne Outbreak investigation in Sabya, Gizan region, Saudi Arabia, November 2021. COVID-19 Cluster Investigation in Female Fitness Center, Muscat, Oman, February 2021. Evaluation of travel medicine status in government primary health care centers in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia, 2022: A mixed methods study. Issue 1-2 January 2022 Characteristic of Clorox Poisoning before and during COVID-19 Pandemic, Saudi Arabia, 2019-2020. Delta Variant among increased cases of COVID-19 in Makkah, June 2021. The Foodborne Outbreak investigation: Hail city, Saudi Arabia, 2021. A case control study. The Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in North Part of Oman in August 2019 - A Case Series Study. Volume 28 Issue 1-2 January 2021 Impact of school reopening on COVID-19 transmission patterns. Job satisfaction of health care workers in Mina pri-mary healthcare centers during Hajj season (1439H- 2018G) Disability Prevalence Among Pilgrims and Common Barriers Affecting Their Performance, Hajj 2019. Issue 3-4 July 2021 Evaluation of the Cold Chain Expanded Program on Immunization at Governmental and Private Health Care Centers in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia, 1442H - 2021G Outbreak of COVID-19 among healthcare workers at a Diabetic Center, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia - April 2020. The first Cluster of COVID-19 cases in the Sultanate of Oman in Muttrah District, 2020. Burden and Associated Factors of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Al-Buraimi Governorate, Oman-2020. Volume 27 Issue 1-2 January 2020 COVID-19 and the Critical Role of Field Epidemiologists. Saudi FETP Shared Wagaya Early Preparedness towards Novel Coronavirus (Ncov) Mortality Patterns among COVID-19 Patients in Two Saudi Hospitals: Demographics, Etiology, and Treatment. COVID-19 Outbreak and the Risk of Vertical Transmission in Neonates Saudi CDC COVID-19 Rapid Response Teams. A Four Months Report, April 2020–July 2020 Issue 3-4 July 2020 Comparative Study on Supporting the Citizens and Residents Community During COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United States of America. (Brazil) Comparative Study on Supporting the Citizens and Residents Community During COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United States of America. (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Comparative Study on Supporting the Citizens and Residents Community During COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United States of America. (Turkey) Comparative Study on Supporting the Citizens and Residents Community During COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United States of America. (United States of America) Volume 26 Issue 1-4 January 2019 MERS-CoV outbreak in Wadi Aldawasir General Hospital’s renal dialysis unit, March 2017. Health knowledge, attitudes and practices among pilgrims at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Medina during Hajj 1439H (2018). Outbreak of acute gastrointestinal illness at a school in Arar, March 2017. Volume 25 Issue 1-4 January 2018 Scabies outbreak in a Makkah city, Saudi Arabia, 2018. Sociodemographic characteristics and smoking behaviors among visitors to smoking cessation clinics in Riyadh, 2018. Foodborne disease outbreak among Sudanese pilgrims at a hotel in Jeddah, August 2017. Evaluating the usability and perceived impact of HESN in infection control bundles. Volume 24 Issue 1-4 January 2017 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices among Primary Health Care Workers regarding Injection Safety in Eastern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2017 (1438 H). Outbreak of a foodborne disease in Turbah, Taif, Saudi Arabia, Janu-ary 2017 (1438 H). Mortality Trends in Mecca during the Period 2006-2016 (1427-1436H). The pattern of injuries among pilgrims in Mina General Hospital, Hajj 1438H-2017: a cross-sectional study. Volume 23 Issue 1-4 January 2016 Awareness of patient safety culture among Health care workers in primary healthcare centers, Dammam 2016. Factors that contributed to prolongation of an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in a major hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A Cluster of Deaths in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Al-Baha, November 2015. Knowledge of dental health care workers regarding transmission of blood-borne infections and infection control resources assessment in the primary health care centers of Al-Ahsa region, April 2016. MERS-CoV Outbreak Investigation in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Feb - Mar 2015. Volume 22 Issue 1-4 January 2015 Perception and coping with excessive heat exposure among male Arab pilgrims, 1436H. Effect of Maternal Working status on Breastfeeding practices during first year among infants in Dammam. Compliance to medical advice among hypertensive patients regis-tered at Primary Health Care Centers in Riyadh city 1436H (2015G). Outbreak investigation of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) Cases, in a private hospital, Eastern province, February 2015. The characteristics of the food poisoning outbreaks in Riyadh region in the last two years (2013 -2014): A cross-sectional study. Volume 21 Issue 1-4 January 2014 Hand Hygiene Practices among Doctors and Nurses at Emergency departments of Mina Hospitals during Hajj 1433 H (2012 G), Saudi Arabia. Knowledge towards health-care associated infection among health care workers at Mina hospitals during Hajj, 1434 H. Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections among Hajjis from Riyadh, 1434 H. Prevalence, Acceptability and Accessibility to different Contraceptives among Saudi Females at Governmental Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) in Riyadh, 2014. Volume 20 Issue 1-4 January 2013 KAP of mothers of Sickle Cell Disease children regarding childbearing and marital choices for their children in Qatif. Investigation of a Measles Outbreak in Buraidah, Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia, 2011. Perception of HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases by drug addicts in Saudi Arabia. Head lice outbreak among Kindergarten children, Riyadh, 2011. Volume 19 Issue 1 January 2012 Quality of life among auditory handicapped male school children in Riyadh City. Effect of acute episodes of sickle cell disease on the Personal and Family Life of Saudi children suffering from sickle cell disease, AI-Ahsa Region, 2011. Head Lice infestation of girl students in a primary school, Riyadh, 2010. Issue 2 April 2012 Etiology of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection among International Pilgrims arriving for Hajj 2010 G. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices of Omani Ministry of Health physicians toward surveillance system, in Dakhliyah region, Oman. Knowledge and attitude of nurses in Renal Dialysis Units regarding infection control, Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia, 2012. Issue 3 July 2012 Behavioral risk related to food practices among non-domestic Arab hajjis 1432 H (2011 G) Pattern of non-communicable diseases among domestic hajjis from Qatif and effect of Hajj, 1432 H (2011) Behavioral Risk Factors among Omani hajjis during hajj season 1432 H (2011 G). Volume 18 Issue 4 October 2011 Change in carriage rate of Meningococcal meningitis among Hajjis from low and high endemic countries Health Related Experiences among International Pilgrims Departing Through King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Hajj 1431 H (2010). Pattern of diseases and preventive measures among domestic Hajjis from Riyadh, 1431H Issue 1 January 2011 Knowledge and preventive practices related to dengue fever among adult population attending the MOH-PHCCs in Jeddah city, 2010 Assessment of socio-demographic and clinical determinants of cesarean section among women delivering at Ibri Regional Hospital, Oman, 2009. Effect of home monitoring of blood pressure on control of hypertension Amoebic Dysentery In Saudi Arabia 1993-2008. Issue 2 April 2011 Perception, attitude and early detection behaviors of Breast Cancer among females attending Primary Health Care centers in Riyadh City. Food Borne Outbreak in Hail City, Saudi Arabia April 2011. Food-borne disease outbreak among construction workers, Hail, Saudi Arabia, February 2011. Issue 3 July 2011 Profile of Clients Attending Abha Tobacco Smoking Control Clinic and Factors Affecting Their Compliance with Follow Up. Sexual Dysfunction among women with Diabetes Mellitus. Food Poisoning Outbreak among visitors from the Qassim House of Social Education, Abha, 2011. Volume 17 Issue 1 January 2010 Mumps outbreak at three International schools in the Eastern region 2009 (1430 H). Risk factors for relapses and recurrent admissions of schizophrenic patients, Abha Psychiatric Hospital, Abha, July 2007 - July 2009. Factors affecting primary health care services utilization by Hajjis, 1430 H. Issue 2 April 2010 Foodborne Salmonella outbreak in a college, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 2009 (1430 H). Foodborne Salmonella Outbreak in Khaiber City, Saudi Arabia, 2009. Hepatitis A Outbreak in Alhysoniah Village, Eqlat Sqoor, AlQassiem Region, 2010. Issue 3 July 2010 Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Saudi mothers giving birth at King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital in Taif City regarding antenatal care. Knowledge and attitudes of healthcare workers at King Abdul Aziz International Airport regarding preventive measures of communicable diseases for pilgrims, Jeddah 1430 H. The role of Hamla management in the prevention and control of food poisoning episodes in Mina during Hajj, 1430 H. Issue 4 October 2010 Satisfaction of Arab patients with services provided by primary health care centers in Makkah and Mina during Hajj season 1430 H (2009 G). Salmonella food poisoning outbreak in Al-Ahsa Governorate, Saudi Arabia, July 2010 (1431 H). Life style patterns and obesity prevalence among male intermediate school students in Riyadh City, KSA. Volume 16 Issue 1 January 2009 Medical illnesses among chronic psychiatric inpatients in Taif mental hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia, 2008 (1429H) Quality of life of children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus and the difficulties they and their families face. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C among blood donors at Qatif central hospital, 1993-2008. Issue 2 April 2009 Assessment of health services provided to pilgrims by Saudi Boy Scouts and their exposure to health risks during these activities in Hajj 1429H. Hepatitis ''A'' Outbreak in Rania, Taif region, 2009. Foodborne outbreak in Ahad Rafidah, Saudi Arabia, Issue 3 July 2009 Evaluation of buses and bus drivers in Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah during hajj Season 1429 H - 2008 G. Alkhurma Hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Najran city, Southern Saudi Arabia, 2006-2009. Pattern of diseases among visitors of Mina Health Centers during Hajj season, 1429 H (2008G). Issue 4 October 2009 Transportation of emergency cases by Saudi Red Crescent Society medical teams to health facilities in Makkah and Mina, Hajj 1429 H (2008). Food Borne Outbreak in Al-Hofuf, Saudi Arabia, June 2009. Pattern of health behavioral practices of hypertensive patients and factors influencing them, KKUH, Riyadh, 2009. Volume 15 Issue 1 January 2008 Gastroenteritis outbreak among attendees of a reconciliation banquet in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Was there a link between human TB cases and the Bovine TB outbreak among cows in Madinah, 2007-2008? Food Borne Outbreak in Najran City, Saudi Arabia, January 2008. Issue 2 April 2008 Measles outbreak and measles vaccination status among children in Tathleeth, Assir, Saudi Arabia, 2007 (1428 H). Food Borne Outbreak in Bisha City, Saudi Arabia, May 2007. Assessment of vaccination status and other preventive practices among health care workers, Hajj, 1428 H (2007 G). Issue 3 July 2008 Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C among Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Al Ahsa region, 1428 H. Saudi Premarital Screening Program: Public view after 3 years of implementation. Knowledge and Behaviour of the Medical Services Department of Armed Forces Employees toward Seat Belt Use, Riyadh, 2007 Issue 4 October 2008 Pattern of diseases among visitors of health care facilities in Madinah during hajj season, 1428 H (2007). Assessment of Hygienic Quality of Food, Food Handlers and Restaurant Environments in Makkah, Hajj 1428 H. Behavioral Risk Factors for Diseases during Hajj 1428 H. Volume 14 Issue 4 October 2007 Sources of health education for international Arab pilgrims and the effect of this education on their practices towards health hazards in hajj, 1427 H (2006) Assessment of knowledge, attitude and reported practices of surveillance teams in Holy places during Hajj 1427 H Work-time Behavioral Risk Factors among Slaughterhouse Workers in Mina during Hajj, 1427 Hijra Issue 1 January 2007 Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Ministry of Health physicians toward surveillance system in Riyadh region Impact of Bronchial Asthma Symptoms on the Lifestyle of Asthmatic Saudi Children, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006 Association between MMR vaccine and Autism: Issue of Argument Issue 2 April 2007 Evaluation of knowledge and practice regarding oral health care among diabetic patients in PHCCs in Al Ahsa, 2006 Measles outbreak, Jazan, KSA, April-December, 2006 Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Physicians working at private dispensaries and hospitals in Riyadh city towards the Surveillance System Issue 3 July 2007 Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, & Practices of MOH Physicians toward surveillance system in hospitals and PHCCs, KSA Assessment of the association between health status and lifestyle-related risk factors with development of foot ulcers among male diabetic patients in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2007 Investigation of some components of female adolescent health in a school in Riyadh, 2007 Volume 13 Issue 1 January 2006 Impact of health education program on knowledge, attitude and practices about obesity and overweight among Saudi girls in a primary school, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006 Measles situation in Riyadh region during 2004 Effectiveness of home blood glucose monitoring in controlling type II Diabetes mellitus Issue 2 April 2006 Distribution of influenza virus during Hajj season 1426 Hijra (2005 G) Assessment of utilization of additional human and medical resources to primary health care centers in Makkah city during Hajj season 1426 H Assessment of Resident physicians and other health services provided by local hamlas during Hajj season 1426 H Issue 3 July 2006 Knowledge and Practices of Physicians regarding prescription of Antibiotics in the treatment of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Riyadh, 2006 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of physicians working in Primary Health Care centers towards Acne vulgaris Hepatitis ''A'' Outbreak in Dhulai'a Rasheed, Al Qassiem region, 2006 Issue 4 October 2006 Factors affecting the decision of marriage among incompatible couples in the Saudi premarital screening program, 1425H Infection control practices in MOH dental clinics, Jazan, 2006 Foodborne outbreak among 4 families in Taif city, Saudi Arabia, July 2006 Volume 12 Issue 1 January 2005 Serotypes of influenza during Hajj season, 1424 (2004) Hepatitis "A" outbreak at Al-Berk, Asir region, 2004 Water Contamination in Al-Farhaneih, Hail 1424 H Issue 2 April 2005 To the Editor (Dr. AbdulRauf Ghulam, Vaccination Dept PHCC, Qateef - Hashim Abu Alrahi Head of department of preventive medicine, PHC, Qateef) Knowledge of health workers at a Riyadh hospital of health care waste management Knowledge and attitude of health workers about GIS and its application in malaria control Issue 3 July 2005 Avian Influenza: A new global threat? Evaluation of injury surveillance system in Hajj 1425 Hijra Al Muftareshoon Revisited, Hajj season 1425 H Issue 4 October 2005 Effect of Splenectomy on Risk of Infection and other Complications among Sickle Cell Disease patients in Al-Ahsa Area -A retrospective cohort study Effect of use of Face mask on Hajj related Acute Respiratory Infection among Hajjis from Riyadh - A Health Promotion Intervention study Tinia capitis outbreak among school students, Al Hayt, Hail, 1426 H Volume 11 Issue 1 January 2004 Keratoconjunctivitis outbreak in Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia-April 2003 Food-borne disease outbreak in a boys primary school in Dammam, October 2003 G The application of GIS to illustrate distribution of notifiable diseases in KSA, during the 1990s Issue 2 April 2004 Compliance to Iron Supplementation guidelines during pregnancy among women attending antenatal clinics, Al Yamamah hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2004 Effect of Health Education Advice on Saudi Hajjis, Hajj 1423 H (2003 G) Premarital testing Screening in KSA Issue 3 July 2004 Injection practices and medical waste disposal in EPI program in Riyadh and Eastern region, Saudi Arabia Evaluation of the satisfaction of Ministry of Health workers in the sacred places during Hajj season, 1424 H Non-communicable Disease risk factor surveillance in Saudi Arabia Issue 4 October 2004 Knowledge and Practices of health workers of Cold Chain Cure Rate of Tuberculosis Cases Diagnosed in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia During Years 2000 & 2001 The Second Regional Conference on Medical Journalism in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Volume 10 Issue 4 October 2003 Incidence of Hajj-related Acute Respiratory Infection among Hajjis from Riyadh, 1423 H (2003 G) Malaria outbreak among illegal Ethiopian immigrants in Al-barzah village of Makkah province, KSA; A study of environmental and behavioral risk factors Hepatitis "A" outbreak in Bisha, 2003 Issue 1 January 2003 Chemical Poisoning with plant in Skaka, Saudi Arabia, November 2001 Foodborne Salmonella Outbreak in Sulyyel, 2002 Smallpox. A Review of Clinical Disease and Vaccination Issue 2 April 2003 Staphylococcus aureus Food Poisoning Outbreak in Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah, March 2003 Evaluation of Mobile Health Education Program of MOH-KSA in Makkah and Arafat during Hajj 1423 H (2003 G) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Is the threat really over? Issue 3 July 2003 Measles outbreak, Al-Madinah region, KSA, January-June, 2003 Hand Washing practices of Health Care Workers, RMC, Saudi Arabia, 2003 Determinants of childhood nutritional status in Al-Dakhliyah region in Sultanate of Oman Volume 9 Issue 1 January 2002 Salmonella Food Poisoning Outbreak in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2001 Meningococcal Carriage Among Hajjis in Makkah, 1421 H Outbreak of Adenovirus Acute Respiratory Disease in Aseer, Southern Saudi Arabia, April 2001 Issue 2 April 2002 An outbreak of Hepatitis A in Jizan, 2002 Carriage rate of Meningococcal Meningitis among Riyadh Population, 2002 Assessment of health Impact among residents living near to a landfill Site in Sultanate of Oman Issue 3 July 2002 Neisseria Meningitides Colonization among residents of Makkah and Madinah before Hajj season, 1422 H (2002) Behavioral Risk Factors for Diseases during Hajj 1422 H, (2002 G) Pattern of injuries presenting at health facilities in Makkah and Mina during hajj 1422 H Issue 4 October 2002 Biological Warfare A New Challenge? Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Physicians Regarding Smoking in Makkah Region Pattern of Chemical Poisoning, Riyadh 1999-2001 Volume 8 Issue 1 January 2001 Rift Valley Fever Outbreak, Saudi Arabia, 2000 Risk Factors of Rift Valley fever Among the Samtah Population, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Risk of acquiring Rift Valley Fever in a hospital setting? Issue 2 April 2001 Health Status of Non-organized Hajjees (Muftaresheen) during 1420 H, Hajj Season Health Related Services Provided for Hospitalized Hajjees During Shifting to Arafat,1420 H Utilization of Health Services at Gulf Cooperation Council States' Hajj Medical Mission Clinics Issue 3 July 2001 Salmonella outbreak among attendees of two wedding parties, Riyadh, July 2000 Outbreak Of Food Poisoning Among Two Families In Samta City, Jazan Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in a Major Hospital in Riyadh, January-June 1999 Three Cases of Blood Transfusion Malaria in Riyadh City, 2000 Issue 4 October 2001 Chickenpox Outbreak Among Laborers In A Company Compound North Of Riyadh, 2001, Saudi Arabia Seropositivity in Clinical Influenza Cases Among Pilgrims During Hajj, 1421 H Risk Factors of Bacterial Meningitis in Makkah during Hajj 1421 H: A Pilot Study Volume 7 Issue 1-2 January 2000 Carbon monoxide poisoning: An overlooked diagnosis Blood-Borne Diseases Among Barbers During Hajj, 1419 H (1999) Pulmonary Tuberculosis Outbreak in Riyadh city center, 1999 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia, 1997-1998 Summary of Global Polio Eradication Plan of Action 2000 - 2005 Issue 3 July 2000 An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis in a Child Care Center, 1999 The effect of MMR campaigns on Measles in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bacillus cereus Food Poisoning Outbreak in a Hospital, Muscat, Oman, 1999 Training Course on The Economics of Public Health Issue 4 October 2000 Adequacy of well-baby clinic visits and immunizations at Al Khobar Primary Health Care Centers, 1415-1419 H Hepatitis B in Saudi Arabia Eight Years after HBV Vaccination Introduction into EPI Programme Salmonella Enteritidis Outbreak, Riyadh, 1999 Volume 6 Issue 3 July 1999 Hepatitis E (HEV) among aborted and pregnant women in Maternity any Children's Hospital, Riyadh 1995 Watermelon and Salmonellosis Outbreak in a Handicapped Institution, Madinah, July 1998 Reports from the regions: Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension distribution and effect of mini clinics, 1998-1999 Hepatitis A outbreak in Mashash Awadh village, Majmaah district, Riyadh region, Mar 25-May 10, 1999 Issue 4 October 1999 Indirect Cantharidin Food Poisoning Caused By Eating Wild Birds, Al-Majmaa, 1999 Infection Control Practices In The Private Dental Sector Riyadh, 1999 Pre-Hajj Health-Related Advice, Makkah, 1999 Issue 1 January 1999 Anthropometric measurements in a well-baby clinic, Riyadh, March 8-28, 1997 The utilization of primary health care services at Mina during Hajj, 1998 Transfusion malaria in Riyadh: Is improved screening needed? Issue 2 April 1999 Drowning deaths in a desert area following unusually heavy rains TEPHINET to coordinate activities of Epi training Mayonnaise strikes again, and again, and again, salmonellosis from three consecutive meals in one restaurant Reports from the regions: Measles reported from peripheral hospitals, Riyadh region, 1997 - Reports from the regions: Typhoid and paratyphoid in Riyadh peripheral hospitals, 1997-98 Volume 5 Issue 1 January 1998 Behavioral risk factors for pilgrims to Makkah, 1997 Meningitis in Makkah, January-April 1997 Determinants of case-fatalities for meningitis during outbreaks in Makkah, 1988-1997 Tobacco and public health Issue 2 April 1998 To the Editor (Dr. John Hardie, Chairman, Department of Dentistry, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) "The Deadly Drain:" Probable hydrogen sulfide poisoning, Unaizah, Al-Qassim region, May 28, 1998 Salmonella outbreak associated with tiramisu dessert, Riyadh, Dec 28-31, 1997 Mumps outbreak in a highly vaccinated population, Al-Faisaliyah district, Riyadh, March-June, 1998 Letters to the Editor (Prof Haroutune K. Armenian, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Issue 3-4 July 1998 Head-shaving practices of barbers and pilgrims to Makkah, 1998 Behavioral risk factors for disease during Hajj: the second survey Risk factors for hip fractures among pilgrims, Hajj 1998G (1418H) Malaria among pilgrims to Makkah, 1998: Is it imported or locally acquired? Volume 4 Issue 1 January 1997 Profile of Diabetic Omani Pilgrims to Makkah Measles and Rubella Outbreak During Hajj, Security Forces, Makkah, 1996 Conditions for travelers for Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj) Surveillance and Strict Control Measures Reduce Surgical Site Infection (SSI), Al-Yamamah Hospital, Riyadh, 1996 Objectives of Hajj Issue 2 April 1997 Foodborne Salmonella outbreak among enterally fed patients, May 1997 An outbreak of measles in Najran valley, January to March, 1997 Measles outbreak Riyadh city, 1997 Health screening of workers in Saudi Arabia A serosurvey of Hepatitis A (HAV IgG Positive), Riyadh children Issue 3-4 July 1997 Salmonella poisoning and chicken shawarmas, Western Riyadh, June 1997 Hepatitis A from unsafe water Survey on infection control in MOH dental clinics, Riyadh Doctors' knowledge of and attitudes toward NIDs for oral poliovirus vaccine in Riyadh, 1997 Cutaneous leishmaniasis control in Al Hasa region, 1989-1996 Volume 3 Issue 1 January 1996 A novel flavivirus:Makkah Region 1994-1996 Malaria Control in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Outbreak of Salmonella Gastroenteritis among Guests in 3 Wedding Halls, Riyadh, 1995 Hepatitis A in Southwest Riyadh and Immune Globulin Administration to Household Contacts Issue 2 April 1996 National Cancer Registry Report, Saudi Arabia, 1994 Aseptic Meningitis, Riyadh City 1996 Scabies Outbreak: Riyadh Region, 1416 Hijjra Gastroenteritis Outbreak on board a Nile Cruise Boat, March 1996 Food poisoning, Abha City, Dhul-Hijja, 1416 Issue 3 July 1996 Salmonella interrupts final exams, Sakaka Al Jouf, March 1996 Mumps vaccination coverage: Riyadh children, 1996 Who reads the Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin? Post vaccination abscesses and deviations from correct vaccination practices National immunization campaign for the eradication of Poliomyelitis, Saudi Arabia, Nov and Dec 1996 Knowledge, attitudes and practices of communicable diseases reporter participants in Makkah city, 1996 Issue 4 October 1996 Prevalence of obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia in Saudi Arabia Malaria outbreak in Gellwa, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia, January to March 1996 A suspected nosocomial malaria case, Riyadh city, March 1997 Reasons for tooth loss, Riyadh city, 1996 Guidelines for treatment of malaria Request for articles Volume 2 Issue 1 January 1995 Epidemic salmonellosis from unmonitored water trucks Dengue fever in Jeddah Meningitis vaccine for Hajj is available The Kingdom's TB control program Eradicating schistosomiasis Cesarean section rates in Riyadh Issue 2 April 1995 Unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning inside a motor-vehicle Outbreak of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, in male schools, Makkah city, Saudi Arabia, 1994 A new development: Hepatitis A vaccine Mopping up operations for poliomyelitis Issue 3 July 1995 Automatic conversion of Hejira dates to Gregorian dates in Epi Info version 6.02 software Acute toxic hepatitis and acute renal failure in diabetic patients using raw sheep bile as an unconventional remedy for diabetes Plasmodium malariae in Ahsa region, Saudi Arabia, 1994-1995 Potential risk factors for acquiring cutaneous leishmaniasis in a hijra in Al-Majmaah Tuberculosis in a prison, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 1993-March 1995 An outbreak of Salmonellosis in an extended family in Riyadh Issue 4 October 1995 Risk factors for heat exhaustion among pilgrims to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1415 H Wristband wearing among pilgrims in Mina during Hajj 1415 H Food poisoning in Makkah, Hajj 1415 H Meningococcal meningitis vaccination Rubella outbreak among police cadet training forces during Hajj 1415 H Volume 1 Issue 1 September 1993 Surveillance: Information for action A message from the Ministry of Health C. perfringens food poisoning at Tabuk camp Alert: Hemolytic uremic syndrome Reducing measles: The Kingdom's program What is the FETP? How Qatif responds to outbreaks Cancer Registry training offered A plan to eradicate polio by 2000 Issue 2 December 1993 Surveillance system in Saudi Arabia Notice to contributors A new line of defense against disease What an epidemiology unit does HBV vaccine program: a success story Sterile thigh abscesses at vaccination site Hepatitis C infection in dialysis patient National Cancer Registry is established in Kingdom Issue 3 March 1994 Ensuring a safer Hajj for pilgrims Preventing vaccine failure WHO guidelines for immunization safety Malaria: Policies for treatment Brucellosis surveillance, 1986-93 Follow-up: Typhoid in travelers to Syria A Hajj message from MOH Controlling meningitis in Makkah Issue 4 July 1994 Letters To the editor (Dr. Nasreldin Tantawi, Tabuk) About necrotizing fasciitis Foodborne diseases, 1411-1413H Brucellosis in an urban setting WHO goal: Eliminating neonatal tetanus A Shigella outbreak in Barshash Issue 5 October 1994 Measles in a school population Plague reports in India Hepatitis E in urban and rural Saudi Arabia Brucellosis in an extended family in Riyadh Tetanus toxoids and wound management Surveillance : Acute flaccid paralysis