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527-28 FETP: Scientific Presentations

Sharing one’s scientific work with the professional colleagues and experts in the area is one of the important tasks of any scientific worker and especially an epidemiologist. This unit is designed to enhance the skills of the residents in this area.


  • To enable the resident to develop skills in presenting their research findings to the health professionals


  • A series of lectures will be organized to provide residents basic understanding of principles of Oral presentation, especially focusing on presentation to a scientific audience.
  • A seminar will be organized fortnightly with an invitation to the health professionals in Ministry of Health and other health institutes with interest in epidemiology and preventive medicine along with compulsory attendance by the staff and residents of FETP.
  • Epidemiology residents will be required to present findings of their projects including epidemic investigations, at least twice during their stay in the program.
  • The activity will be spread over the last 5 semesters of the training program.


This study unit will contribute 200 marks to the final evaluation. Detailed distribution of marks will be as under:

  • Own presentation of resident 60% (120 marks) i.e. 60 marks for reach presentation
  • Attendance in all the seminars 20% (40 marks)
  • Active participation in the discussion during seminars 20% (40 marks)

All these activities will be monitored and evaluated by the course unit supervisor.