Residents with an attendance less than 80% of the total required period will not be allowed to enter the examination at the end of the rotation. He/she will have to repeat the rotation before getting the permission to appear in the respective examination.
Resident is considered passed in any examination if he/she obtains 70% or more in each paper
Exact dates of the different examinations are to be announced by the University Course Coordinator of Diploma
1st midterm examination
- Examination will be held in the middle of first term, usually in 9th week of training course, while including the course covered by that time
- Examination will include one paper on “Principles of Epidemiology” consisting of MCQs (Marks 120)
1st term examination
To be held immediately after the completion of 1st term usually in 17th week of training course.
Examination includes four papers:
- Paper I: Principles of Epidemiology: consists of MCQs (180 marks)
- Paper II: Communicable Disease Epidemiology: consists of MCQ/MEQ/Essay (140 marks)
- Paper III: Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology: consist of MCQs/MEQs /Essay (140 marks)
- Paper IV: Biostatistics: consists of MCQs and statistical problems (100 Marks)
Comprehensive Examination
Only those residents will be allowed to appear in this examination who have
- Completed at least 18 months of training period in the program, with at least 80% attendance
- Submitted at least 2 reports of epidemiological studies (either both short studies or one short study with long project)
- passed both the 1st midterm and 1st term examinations.
- Completed all other assignments/requirements of the training program laid down in this handbook and KSU post-graduate regulations
Generally, to be scheduled in the end of month of September of 2nd year of training, with a resit examination after six months
Examination includes two papers (one paper with two parts)
- Paper I: MCQ / MEQ type questions covering whole of the curriculum covered during the training period
- Paper II: Written practical examination to assess skills in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Viva Voce examination
It is mandatory to pass both the papers by obtaining 70% marks in each paper, to qualify for award of Diploma; however, none of the papers will contribute to the final grades awarded for each course unit.
Resit examination
- In case of failure in any of the 1st midterm, 1st term or comprehensive examination, resident will be given only two more chances to appear for re-evaluation.
- In case of 1st midterm and 1st term examination, the candidate will appear only in the paper in which he/she has failed.
- In case of Comprehensive examination, the candidate has to resit in the entire examination, even if he has failed only one paper
- In cases when a resident exhaust all permitted attempts, his/her case will be reviewed by the FETP Training committee for final disposal, subject to application by the candidate through KSU postgraduate center, on case-to-case basis.