To be in the lead of the field of locally, regionally, and international studying and controlling epidemics' to play an effective role impacting the public health and safety in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and to remarkably contribute to the science and practices of the applied epidemiology.
- Graduating specialists in the field epidemiology possessing scientific and practical efficiency on epidemiology, high ethical standards, and the leadership traits enabling them to tend to their community, and the constructive critical thinking; in order to enhance research and improvement on the public health field.
- Training the public health workers with the aim of meeting the country's needs in terms of the cadres specialized in the epidemiological fields, such as epidemiological surveillance ,injury prevention, the infectious and non-infectious diseases, epidemic spreading and the healthcare-related infection; and other national and international important public health problems.
- Conducting studies on health-related issues and publishing their findings, and submitting them to the concerned bodies to benefit from them.
- Collaborating and communicating with the local and international bodies and institutions; with the aim of boosting up knowledge and exchanging expertise.