Advancing the level of the health services on the field of epidemic studying and controlling which the Ministry of Health (MOH) provides in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's different regions, delivering national, qualified cadres of field epidemiology diplomas holders ; to fill in the needs of the MOH prevention sector in all regions and to have them replace the foreign cadres.
Training the health cadres, and qualifying them to obtain the diploma certificate in epidemiology; with the aim of securing national, qualified cadres that advances the health services, encouraging the participation of trainers from the Gulf States, and providing the best ways for training.
Upgrading the efficiency of the health workers belonging to the epidemiology control field; through in-service training and rehabilitation programs, and training them on the latest in the field of the health and prevention services, and designing and implementing training programs that address the top-prioritized health problems and meet the needs of the health workers.
Encouraging studies that are meant for tackling the priority health problems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; with the aim of identifying their dimensions and ways of properly addressing them.
Promoting and setting the fundamentals of cooperation between expertise within and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and drawing on the remarkable expertise in the training field for the Program's trainers, and documenting cooperation between the program and the regional and international scientific bodies in the epidemiology field and public health.