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Effectiveness of home blood glucose monitoring on controlling type II Diabetes mellitus


Diabetes mellitus is a medical problem that can affect an individual's health through involvement of several body systems. Home glucose monitoring is an opportunity for patients with type II diabetes to control their own blood glucose and health, giving immediate results, and thus preventing potentially serious consequences of very high or very low blood glucose levels. Aglycosated hemoglobin ( HbA1c) test is a blood test that is used to measure the average blood glucose level in the three months prior to the test, and should be done at least twice a year. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of using home blood glucose monitoring in controlling type II diabetes mellitus


A cross sectional study was conducted in a sample of type II diabetic patients who followed up at the diabetic clinics of both King Khalid and King Abdul Aziz University hospitals. A questionnaire was designed and the results of blood test HbA1c were recorded. Data was collected by direct interview.


Out of a total of 300 diabetic patients, 145 (43.3 %) used home blood glucose monitoring and more than half of them 75 (51.7%) used it according to doctor's advice, 75 (51.7 %) of the diabetic patients checked it by themselves and 69 (46.9 %) checked it through help of others. 80 (55.9 %) received teaching in how to use home glucose monitoring. Educational level was an important factor in using the home glucose monitor. Majority 59 (66.3 %) of Diabetic patients who used home glucose monitoring presented with normal HbA1c range.


The study showed that most of the diabetic patients who used home blood glucose monitoring had BbA1c within normal range, which demonstrates the importance of home blood glucose monitoring, since it will help the diabetic patients to maintain their blood glucose level within normal range and improving Glycemic control, therefore prevent the onset of diabetic complications.