Number of people migrate to the region of Jazan in the south of Saudi Kingdom, the disaster was dealt with by the Saudi Red Crescent and another institutions to offer a health and rescue help to the displaced, this study evaluate the services. The main aims of this study is to evaluate the health and rescue services to the displaced people in Jazan, and to assess the level of coordination between different institutions.
This is a descriptive cross-sectional study a sample of 331 displaced people and 41 volunteers working in Jazan.
Most of the displaced were male 89.1%, 78.5%were married, 19.1% were unemployed, 39.4% of the displaced were illiterate. The source of water in the new settlement was 5.1% from public 32.9% from tanks, Availability of Health center in the new settlement 97.0%, Availability of female doctors in health center in the new settlement was 98.8%. All volunteers working in Jazan were male 100%. Most of volunteers from Jazan region 65.9%. wireless communication work was in 70.7% of rescue canters.
There was good health and rescue services to displaced in Jazan, and improvement in water and electricity supply, but more work concerning preventive health and environmental sanitation need to be emphasis. More coordination in rescue work is needed.