Public health surveillance is the mechanism that public health agencies use to monitor the health of their communities. Dwadmi region is located in the central part of Saudi Arabia, there are is over 80,000 inhabitants living there. Our objective was to review the surveillance system in Dwadmi region.
The Field Epidemiology Training Program Team visited the Dwadmi region to review the surveillance system. We reviewed the records in the laboratory, Infection Control Office, and Preventive Medicine Office. We also reviewed the records of the school health office. Three PHCCs were randomly selected and evaluated.
There were 42 PHCCs in the region, 19 of which were equipped with telephones. There were 22 health inspectors working in the 42 PHCCs. Under-reporting was obvious especially after tracing cases by name. Only 15.3 % of the Salmonella cases, and only 7.1 % of chicken pox cases were reported.
Under-reporting was either due to negative attitude or wrong administrative procedures, which led to under estimation of notifiable diseases in Dwadmi region. This interferes with the proper flow of the surveillance system.