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Health Services Satisfaction During Hajj, 2017, 1438H


Patient satisfaction measures degree of agreement between patient expectations of ideal care and their observations of care received. Our aim is to assess satisfaction of hajjis who used Health Services (HS), time spent and location to HS during Hajj.


Self-responded quesitionnaire was distrubted during dperature of hajiis. Using simple random sampling, we conducted cross-sectional study at Prince-Mohammed-Bin-Abdelaziz International airport in Madinah, from 6-20th September. We included hajjis who speak Arabic, English, Urdu, Persian, Indonesian, or Turkish.


Men utilized HS more than women, but no significant difference with satisfaction. 81% and 43% of hajjis used walking and reached HS by asking the direction from people, respectively. 51.2% of hajjis walk less than 1km to and 47.9% of hajjis spent less than 5 minutes to reach HS. 27.2% of hajjis used HS in Makkah, and 58.7% of hajjis utilized governmental primary healthcare centers. Overall satisfaction mean was 8.0472±2.3. There was a significant association regarding hajji's satisfaction, the type, and location of HS (P<0.01) in relation to quality, distance, cost, accessibility, and healthcare workers attitude indicators.


Most hajjis used HS in Makkah and Holy places with more satisfaction toward HS located in Mina and Arafat. Makkah had lower satisfaction with all type of HS, so another study needed to identify reasons.