Hand hygiene prevents cross-infection in hospitals, but health-care workers' adherence to guidelines is suboptimal. Skin hygiene, particularly of the hands, is a primary mechanism for reducing contact and fecal-oral transmission of infectious agents. This study investigates the Knowledge, attitudes and some reported practices of hand hygiene among health care workers (HCWs) at Mina hospitals during Hajj season, 1433H.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitudes and some reported practices of hand hygiene among HCWs at 4 Mina hospitals (Mina Alwadi, Mina Aljeser, Mina Altoari and Mina Alsharea Al jaded). The study sample was 423 HCWs. Data was collected by self-administered questionnaire based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) concept of "Five Moments for Hand Hygiene".
The sample consisted of 423 HCWs selected from all Mina Hospitals. Half of HCWs participating in this study were male (51.5%). Almost half of HCWs were aged between 21-30 years old (48.2%), with mean age and standard deviation of 33.43 ± SD 9.53 years.
Regarding knowledge of HCWs of the main route of cross-transmission of potentially harmful microorganisms between patients, was stated as unclean hand of HCWs 315 (74.6%), followed by patients' exposure to colonized surfaces 48 (11.4%), and sharing non-invasive objects 24 (5.5%).
Regarding receiving formal training in hand hygiene in the past three years 324 (76.6%) had received it at MOH facilities, 274 (84.6%) at their original place of work. HCWs had received training at least once since the beginning of employment 290 (68.6%). Those who had received regular training (at least annually) were 79 (18.7%). The last training of HCWs was received over 1 year earlier 190 (51.4%), from 6 months to 1 year ago 85(22.8%), within the last 6 months 82 (22.0%), or only at commencement of employment 12 (3.2%).
Our study revealed that HCWs in Mina hospital during hajj 1433 H were not doing the recommended precautions of hand hygiene. HealthCare worker knowledge and compliance regarding hand hygiene was low; which had implemented our study, intervention programs should be designed and promoted in each health care facility of MOH with strict observation.