The concept of Quality of Life has been developed over many decades and applied to a wide range of target groups and whole populations. Its influences can be seen in legislation, policies and programs that aim to improve the lives, personal satisfaction, success, community membership and participation and evaluation of services for people with disabilities.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in special education schools and institutions for auditory handicapped male school children in Riyadh City. The data was collected from all enrolled intermediate and secondary auditory handicapped male school children and totaled = 363 using the World Health Organization quality of life-brief WHOQOL-BREF which contains the data on four major domains of quality of life.
The study showed significant negative correlation of the physical health with birth order and significant positive correlation with mothers' education (-0.117 and 0.161, respectively). Significant correlation of psychological domain with birth order and number of siblings (-0.158 and -0.142, respectively). Significant positive correlation social relationship and environment with father's and mother's education (0.193 and 0.181, respectively), (0.254 and 0.168, respectively). Significant negative correlation of the environment with number of siblings (-0.167). Among all domains the social relationship domain was the highest affected by living with parents with the mean score (76.0±19.5) (p=0.001) followed by the mean score of the environmental domain (64.0±19.9) (p=0.028). The mean scores of social relationship and environment domains were higher among those who lived with families caring for only one handicapped person and this was the student himself (78.0±17.6 and 66.2±19.0, respectively) (p=0.004 and p=0.006, respectively ). Almost two thirds of the studied school children rated their life either as good or very good (67.9%). The majority of the students were very satisfied or satisfied with their life (77.2%).
Psychological domain correlated significantly with birth order and number of siblings in the negative direction. Social relationship and environmental domains correlated significantly in the positive direction with educational level of the father and mother. Impact of number of siblings on the environment was negative. Mothers' educational levels were found to affect significantly all quality of life domains for studied school children, but was highly significant in the environment domain of quality of life. The fathers' occupations and educational levels were found to affect significantly safe environment and psychology of studied school children. Mothers' occupations were found to affect significantly both social relationship and environment of studied school children. Children's quality of life domains were higher among those who lived with parents. Presence of another handicapped in the family was also found to affect significantly the social relationship and environment of studied school children.