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A scabies outbreak in a Makkah city, Saudi Arabia 2018


Scabies is one of the common public health problems but neglected parasitic diseases caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. Global scabies prevalence in both sexes was 204 million. In Saudi Arabia, scabies is also a public health issue, but there is a lack of studies regarding outbreak investigation and risk factors in the study area. The aim of this investigation was to investigate scabies suspected outbreak in Makkah, western Saudi Arabia, 2018.


Descriptive study, cross-sectional. All Cases of scabies recorded by preventive medicine department In Makkah from 25 March 2018 to 11 April 2018. Moreover, then the data were coded, entered, cleaned, and analyzed using line-listed data was entered into Microsoft Excel for descriptive analyses.


A total of 4178 scabies cases line listed with overall attack rate of2/1,000 population. The mean age was 26 years, 2118(51%) of them were males, 2272 (53%) scabies cases detected in schools.


Outbreak of scabies occurred in Makkah. Most of the cases non-Saudi living in slums. Providing risk factors related health education on prevention and controls especially, at community level spatially slums area and schools, is recommended.