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Field Epidemiology Training Program
Assistant agency for preventive health
About FETP
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About FETP
Vision and mission
Tasks and responsibilities
FETP organization chart
Diploma FE
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DFE course
Eligibility Criteria
Graduate Responsibilities
Course Layout
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Course layout
501 FETP: Principles of Epidemiology
502 FETP: Bio-statistics
503 FETP: Epidemiologic Application of Microcomputers
504 FETP: Infectious Disease Epidemiology
505 FETP: Chronic Disease Epidemiology
506 FETP: Scientific Writing and Report Preparation
507 FETP: Public Health Programs
508-12 FETP: Seminars in Epidemiology
513-17 FETP: Epidemiology Practice
518-21 FETP: Outbreak Investigations
522-25 FETP: Surveillance Systems
526 FETP: Long Term Project
527-28 FETP: Scientific Presentations
529-30 FETP: Training Activities
Course Evaluation
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Course Evaluation
Evaluation Layout
University Examinations
Literature Review Assignment
Epidemiological Studies
Other Assessments
General Instructions for Residents
Outline of Study Protocol / Proposal
Outline for study reports
Guidelines for Evaluation of Oral Presentations
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Current Residents
Academic staff
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FETP studies
Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin
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Alumni statistics
Studies statistics
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Map of graduates
Map of studies
Saudi Premarital Screening Program: Public view after 3 years of implementation.
Salmonella Food poisoning outbreak in Al-Ahsa Governorate, Saudi Arabia July 2010 (1431).
Prevalence of hepatitis B and C among Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Al Ahsa region
Plasmodium malariae Infections in Ahssa, Saudi Arabia, Associated with Expatriate Indian Workers Traveling Through Bombay, 1994-1995.
Outbreak of COVID-19 among healthcare workers at a Diabetes Center, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia - April 2020.
Measles Vaccine Coverage at Al-Ahsa Province during Quarantine Period of COVID 19 Pandemic, Saudi Arabia, 2020.
Knowledge of dental care workers regarding transmission of blood born infections and infection control resource assessment in primary health care centers in Al-Ahsa region.
Investigation of a Cluster of Hepatitis C Cases associated with a Hemodialysis Center, Alahssa Region, Saudi Arabia-2017-2018.
Food Borne Outbreak in Al-Hofuf Saudi Arabia June 2009
Evaluation of knowledge and practice regarding oral health care among diabetic patients in PHCs in Al-Ahsa during 2006 AD
Effect of Splenectomy on Risk of Infection and Hematological Complications among Sickle Cell Disease patients in Al-Ahsa Area - A retrospective cohort study
Effect of home monitoring of blood pressure on control of hypertension.
Effect of acute episode of sickle cell disease symptoms on the Personal and Family Life of Saudi children suffering from sickle cell disease, Al-Ahsa Region, 2011G.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Al Hasa Region.
An Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome due to Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Al-Ahssa Region, Saudi Arabia, 2015
A MERS-CoV outbreak in the Governmental cardiac center in Al-Ahsa, October 2016.
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